Token qsp
Quantstamp tokens are ERC20-compliant Ethereum tokens. There’s a total supply of 1 billion QSP, with a contribution cap of $30 million USD during the token sale. 65% of the total supply of tokens is going towards the token sale. 20% is going to the team and advisors, 10% to the core activities reserve, and 5% for community development.
Quantstamp Token (QSP) ERC20 4 Oct 2018 The provider SHOULD verify the token that QSP sends to indicate that the request originates from QSP. 4. The provider MAY inspect the HTTP ' Quantstamp price, charts, volume, market cap, supply, news, exchange rates, historical prices, qsp to usd converter, qsp coin complete info/stats. QSP to token ERC-20, który służy jako nagroda za weryfikację programów solidarności i wykonanie węzłów walidacyjnych dla tych, którzy znajdą błędy w Quanta Utility Token (QNTU), ERC20, MyEtherWallet. QQQ, Poseidon Network ( QQQ), ERC20, MyEtherWallet. QSP, Quantstamp (QSP), ERC20, MyEtherWallet. QSP is an ERC-20 token used for verifying smart contracts on the decentralized QSP Security Protocol.
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Quantstamp price, charts, volume, market cap, supply, news, exchange rates, historical prices, qsp to usd converter, qsp coin complete info/stats. Supply Curve Details. Quantstamp capped the total QSP token supply at 1 billion. Brooklyn, NY. Mutual Coin Capital. United States. Royal Venture Capital.
QSP is the ERC20 token of Quantstamp. Quantstamp is The Protocol for Securing Smart Contracts. click h
Users can buy automated scans of smart contracts with QSP, and validators can earn QSP for helping provide decentralized security scans on the network at Quantstamp (QSP) token price, market cap, exchanges, holders, transactions, supply. QSP to USD rate for today is $0.04340967.
Ethos Universal Coin Wallet now supports Bitcoin, Ethereum and over a 100+ Quantstamp. QSP. Quoine. QASH. Raiden. RDN. Rchain. RHOC. Refereum.
We’ll be going over a few QSP wallets that are highly recommended by Traders and Investors. Quantstamp is a specialized network that connects developers, investors and users around a transparent proof-of-audit. The network acts as a critical piece of transparency by enabling automated checks on smart contract vulnerabilities and automatically rewarding verifiers who identify bugs. qsp-protocol-node. Quantstamp network audit node software, documentation and node operator instructions Python 18 11 qsp-protocol-audit-contract StraitsX-tokens Feb 23, 2021 · Quantstamp (CURRENCY:QSP) traded down 21.5% against the U.S. dollar during the 24 hour period ending at 9:00 AM E.T. on February 23rd. Over the last week, Quantstamp has traded down 32.4% against the U.S. dollar. One Quantstamp token can now be purchased for about $0.0428 or 0.00000088 BTC on popular cryptocurrency exchanges.
Token transactions work a bit differently than regular Ether transactions.
Simplify the process of integrating Uniswap into your project. 🧼 Programmable Liquidity. A step-by-step guide to getting started building interfaces with Uniswap. ⚡ Flash Swaps. Withdraw the reserves of any ERC20 token on Uniswap and execute arbitrary logic. 🔮 Oracles. Highly decentralized, manipulation-resistant, on-chain Feb 22, 2021 · Quantstamp (QSP) is a token.
Quantstamp is a blockchain cybersecurity company that has secured over a billion dollars of digital asset value through their audits. QSP is native token of Quantstamp ecosystem i.e. also governance token and also it uses to handle transaction of verification services. QSP Token major use to distributed in Bounty payout program, where user will receive token for finding bugs and error on the smart contract. There are currently 8 Quantstamp exchanges where you can buy, sell and trade Quantstamp (QSP) with a total 24-hour volume of $ 3.30M. Quantstamp can be exchanged with 5 cryptocurrencies.
Users can buy automated scans of smart contracts with QSP, and validators can earn QSP for helping provide decentralized security scans on the network at Quantstamp is a blockchain cybersecurity company that has secured over a billion dollars of digital asset value through their audits. QSP to USD rate for today is $0.04340967. It has a current circulating supply of 714 Million coins and a total volume exchanged of $1,368,387. It has a current circulating supply of 714 Million coins and a total volume exchanged of $1,368,387. QSP is native token of Quantstamp ecosystem i.e.
Each participant uses Quantstamp Protocol (QSP) tokens to pay for, receive, or improve upon verification services. Token Swaps. Simplify the process of integrating Uniswap into your project. 🧼 Programmable Liquidity.
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They distributed 650 million (65%) QSP out of the 1 billion total supply to ICO participants at a price of $0.072 per token. After the usual post-ICO volatility, the QSP price stabilized at around $0.10 (~0.000005 BTC) through the end of November.
Website. Cryptocurrency Blockchain Release Year. Release : 2017. QSP TA Cartridge Button. QSP TA Valve. QSP Valve Positions. R2C2 upgrade.